• أ.د خلود مجيد سعيد الصراف
  • Prof. Kholoud Majeed Saeed Al-Sarraf
  • تدريسي : العمادة
  • Teaching : Deanship
  • دكتوراه صيدلة علم الادوية والسموم
  • Doctorate of Pharmacy, Pharmacology and Toxicology
  • dr.khulood@esraa.edu.iq
  • dr.pharmacology@gmail.com
  • المقررات المكلف بها

    المقررات المكلف بها

    المقررات المكلف بها - 6
    القسم المرحلة الفصل رمز المقرر الوحدات توصيف المقرر
    كلية الصيدلة المرحلة الثالثة فصل ثاني PHR0931 3 Pharmacology I
    كلية الصيدلة المرحلة الرابعة فصل اول PHR0942 4 Pharmacology II
    كلية الصيدلة المرحلة الرابعة فصل ثاني GTO0940 3 General toxicology
    كلية الصيدلة المرحلة الخامسة فصل اول CTO0950 2 Clinical toxicology
    كلية الصيدلة المرحلة الخامسة فصل اول PRO0950 1 Graduation project
    كلية الصيدلة المرحلة الرابعة فصل ثاني PHR0943 2 Pharmacology III
    المحاضرات الالكترونية

    المحاضرات الالكترونية

    المحاضرات الالكترونية - 11
    العام المقرر القسم المرحلة المحاضرة
    2022-2023 Pharmacology I كلية الصيدلة المرحلة الثالثة Quinolones, Folic Acid Antagonist, and Urinary Tract Antiseptics
    2022-2023 Pharmacology I كلية الصيدلة المرحلة الثالثة Protein synthesis inhibitors Part 2
    2022-2023 Pharmacology I كلية الصيدلة المرحلة الثالثة Protein synthesis inhibitors Part 1
    2022-2023 Pharmacology I كلية الصيدلة المرحلة الثالثة Pharmacokinetics
    2022-2023 Pharmacology I كلية الصيدلة المرحلة الثالثة Pharmacodynamics
    2022-2023 Pharmacology I كلية الصيدلة المرحلة الثالثة Penicillins
    2022-2023 Pharmacology I كلية الصيدلة المرحلة الثالثة Cholinergic system (agonists)
    2022-2023 Pharmacology I كلية الصيدلة المرحلة الثالثة Cholinergic antagonists or blockers
    2022-2023 Pharmacology I كلية الصيدلة المرحلة الثالثة Introduction to Pharmacology
    2017-2018 Pharmacology I كلية الصيدلة المرحلة الخامسة clinical toxicology - Beta blockers
    2017-2018 Pharmacology I كلية الصيدلة المرحلة الخامسة clinical toxicology - introduction


    2017 /J. Pharm. Sci. & Res. Vol. 9(9), 2017, 1615-1623

    2016 J Bagh College Dentistry Vol. 28(1), March 2016

    2016 International Journal of Advanced Research in Biological Sciences ISSN: 2348-8069 www.ijarbs.com Volume 3, Issue 3, March - 2016


    2013 Journal of Advances in Chemistry

    2020 Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology

    1999 Journal of the Faculty of Medicine

    1999 Journal of the Faculty of Medicine

    2002 Journal of the Faculty of Medicine

    2006 AJPS , vol. 3 , No. 1

    2007 Arab Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences

    2016 Arab Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences



    Clarithromycin is a semi-synthetic macrolide antibiotic used in a wide range of bacterial infections as a single or combination therapy. Several generic formulations of clarithromycin are marketed in Iraq, but their bioavailability and hence therapeutic equivalence is not available. Therefore, demonstration of bioequivalence is warranted to determine the bioequivalence between medicinal products in Iraqi individuals.



    The aim of this study was to assess bioequivalence between a single dose from two products: Rithro Tablets (500 mg clarithromycin), produced by Avenzor, as a test product, in comparison with Klacid® Tablets (500 mg clarithromycin), produced by Abbott, as a reference product in healthy male Iraqi subjects under fasting conditions.



    This study was an open label, randomized, fasting, single dose, two-treatment, two-sequence, twoperiod, crossover, laboratory-blind study in 26 healthy subjects conducted under fasting conditions. Blood samples were collected over a 24-hour period after dosing and plasma samples were analyzed for clarithromycin by high performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection. The products were compared using pharmacokinetic parameters derived from the plasma concentration-time profile of clarithromycin: Tmax, T1/2, Kelimination (λ) z, first order elimination rate constant, Cmax, AUC0–t, & AUC0–∞. The average bioequivalence of the two products were concluded if the two-sided 90% confidence interval (CI) for the test to reference ratio of the population means is within 80.00–125.00% for each of intransformed data of Cmax, AUC0–t& AUC0–∞ …

    2021 Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation

    2021 ScienceRise: Pharmaceutical Science

    Depression is one of the most common mental disorders and numerous medications are used to reduce the psychotic symptoms.

    The aim of this study was to evaluate the therapeutic effects of two commonly used antidepressant drugs, including Fluoxetine (Flx) and Imipramine (IMP) to improve depressive-like behaviors as well as the activity of hypothalamic pituitary-adrenal cortex (HPA).

    Methods: Initially, 40 adult male albino rats weighing 25±5g were selected for this experimental study. The animals were kept or housed in separate cages under standard temperature (25±1°C) and light-dark conditions (12 hours light/dark cycle). Rats were divided into four groups: each group containing 10 rats, control, immobility stress, Flx receiver, and IMP receiver. Polyethylene restrainer was used to induce immobility stress for 14 days. Finally, the parameters of IMT, ST, serum levels of corticosterone and glucose were evaluated in all four mentioned groups.

    Results: The results showed that the patient group's immobility time (IMT) increased compared to the control group, but the patient group's swimming time (ST) decreased compared to the control group. The effect of immobility stress on IMT, ST, corticosterone, and glucose factors in the patient group was increasing and decreasing, respectively, whereas the effect of Flx drug on these mentioned factors was decreasing, increasing and respectively, while the effect of IMP on all mentioned factors was decreasing and increasing, respectively.

    Conclusion: Based on the results, it can be concluded that the antidepressant Flx and IMP drugs have various effects on the HPA activity, and the application of immobility stress causes depressive-behavior. Moreover, Flx is more effective than IMP in the treatment of depressive behaviors.

    2021 ScienceRise: Pharmaceutical Science

    The most commonly prescribed medication for autoimmune disorders is Azathioprine (AZA), which negatively affects renal function and tissue structure. The aim of this work was to measure the therapeutic impact of Zingiber officinale L. extract (ZOE) on improving the function and structure of AZA-induced renal damaged tissue.

    Methods: 70 rats with a weight range of 200±10 g and an age of 95±5 days were chosen for this experimental study. The animals were grouped into seven groups of ten, with two groups receiving no treatment (control groups) and five groups receiving ZOE, AZA, “AZA + ZOE”, and normal saline. AZA was given intraperitoneally, and ZOE was given by gavage (i.e., nasogastric tube) for 21 days. Finally, urea, uric acid, creatinine parameters, and the diameter of some key or important parts of the kidney were measured in different animal groups.

    Results: it was found that the use of AZA (50 mg/kg) increased serum urea and creatinine concentrations, blood uric acid in comparison to the group of control (P<0.05). Whereas injecting ZOE (200 mg/kg) induces a considerable decrease in the concentration of the compounds mentioned above as compared to control animals and animals given AZA (P<0.05). Furthermore, the findings revealed that AZA caused inflammation and kidney tissue destruction, while ZOE improved, restored, and recovered the affected kidney tissue.

    Conclusion: according to the research findings, it can be decided that ZOE has a protective and therapeutic impact on kidney tissue owing to its strong antioxidant attributes and its ability to inhibit free radicals produced by azathioprine

    2022 Jundishapur Journal of Microbiology

    2022 NeuroQuantology

    The utilization of electrospinning method in drug delivery has been increasingly popular in recent years, with the ability to incorporate drugs and enhance dissolution; this technique is used to improve the dissolution of poorly watersoluble 6mercaptopurine and. 6-mercaptopurine and poly (vinyl pyrrolidone) solutions were spun using simple electrospinning technique. Loading efficiency and electrospinning yield were affected by polymer concentration during the optimization process, as well as nanofiber diameter. The concentration of polymer also affected both the number of beads formed and the amount of drug released. polymer (PVP) negatively affected the electros pun yield, but the loading efficiency and in vitro dissolution rate were largely controlled by the PVP content in the optimization formulas. In addition to reducing the diameter of the fibers, the increased polymer concentrations had a positive impact on reducing the number of beads. The physicochemical characterization of the prepared formulas indicate that the drug was found as a molecular dispersion within the polymer matrix or as an amorphous state. In vitro dissolution studies indicates about 68 ± 4.16 release in less than 2 minutes in HCL solution medium compared to a negligibledissolution of physical mixture and free drug. From the derived results, the electro spun 6- mercaptopurineloaded nanofibers pave the way for enhance the dissolution for insoluble low bioavailability class II drugs.


    Drug, Delivery, Fast, Oral


    2022 IJPQA

    2022 IJPQA

    2019 Journal of the Egyptian National Cancer Institute

    Plantago lanceolata L. is used in Iraqi folklore medicine to treat injuries, and its extract is prescribed by some herbalists for cancer patients. This research aimed to evaluate the effect of P. lanceolata leaf extract on breast cancer cell lines in vitro and to identify its active compounds. Crystal violet viability assay was used to determine the cytotoxicity of methanolic P. lanceolata leaf extract against various breast cancer cell lines. MCF7, AMJ13, MDAMB, and CAL51 human breast cancer cells were treated with different concentrations of the extract for 72 h. The morphology of the treated cells was examined under a phase-contrast inverted microscope. The clonogenic ability was assessed through a clonogenic assay. High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis was performed to measure the concentrations of phenols and flavonoids in the extract. The methanolic P. lanceolata leaf extract significantly inhibited the proliferation of triple-negative CAL51 cells but showed minor effect on the other breast cancer cells. In addition, at high doses, it induced cytopathic morphological changes. The clonogenic assay showed low colony formation in the exposed cells, especially CAL51 cells. Furthermore, HPLC study revealed that the methanolic extract contained important flavonoid glycosides, especially rutin, myricetin quercetin, and kaempferol. P. lanceolata leaf extract selectively inhibited the proliferation of CAL51 triple-negative breast cancer cells and showed minor effect on the other breast cancer cells types studied. Thus, this study showed P. lanceolata as a possible natural source of selective anti-triple-negative breast cancer drugs.



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