• أ.د كاظم بريهي سوادي الجنابي
  • Kadhim Breahy Aljanabi
  • تدريسي : قسم علوم الامن السيبراني
  • Teaching : Department of Cybersecurity Sciences
  • دكتوراه هندسة حاسوب - معالجات وتنقيب البيانات
  • Dr. Computer Engineering and Information Technology- Data Science and Data Mining
  • kadhim.aljanabi@esraa.edu.iq
  • kadhim.aljanabi@uokufa.edu.iq
  • البحوث


    2024 CDI2024
    Traditional decision tree and Naive Bayes algorithms might face challenges when handling huge data due to various limitations such as Computational Complexity, Scalability, Data Storage, and I/O Operations While these challenges exist, numerous methods and adaptations have been proposed to address these limitations, the most common solution is parallelization using Hadoop environment which optimizing the algorithms for parallel manner. Algorithms can be implemented in Hadoop using a map-reduce programming model. Map Reduce job can be configured to use either a single reducer or multiple reducers. The number of reducers can significantly impact the efficiency, execution time, and performance of a Map Reduce job. Not all machine learning algorithms can naturally or easily be split across multiple reducers due to their inherent characteristics and computations. In this paper, the multi-reducers Map-Reduce job is used to compute the information gain, where each reducer calculates the information gain of one feature. On the other hand, Naïve Bayes can be implemented in multi reducers, where the training phase of n features can be done in n reducers Hadoop job. This study revolves around a malware detection dataset as the primary subject. The research employed ANOVA feature selection to discern the most informative attributes, a pivotal step preceding data preprocessing. The dataset underwent a scaling (z-score normalization) process to enhance its classification readi-ness, resulting in a marked improvement in accuracy. Initially standing at 88%, the accuracy surged to 95% post-scaling. Notably, the research delved into leveraging parallelism in the Hadoop streaming framework. The proposed system was implemented, dedicating individual reducers for each feature, aligning with the dataset's feature count. This strategic parallelism approach was instrumental in the training phase, enhancing system efficiency and performance. Keywords: Cybersecurity, Decision tree, Information gain, Naïve Bayes, Hadoop streaming

    2024 CDI2024
    Implementing multilinear regression using gradient descent in Hadoop streaming with multiple reducers can indeed help reduce the required time for computation, especially when dealing with large datasets. Hadoop's main advantage lies in its ability to distribute computations across multiple nodes. When performing multilinear regression using gradient descent, this distributed processing capability can be leveraged to divide the dataset into chunks and perform computations simultaneously on different nodes (reducers in Hadoop's context). Using multiple reducers means that different parts of the computation can be carried out concurrently. Each reducer can handle a subset of the data, performing computations independently. This parallel processing reduces the overall computation time significantly compared to a single-reducer or non-distributed approach. This will avoids the bottleneck of processing massive datasets on a single reducer. The work in this paper proposes a method that Leeds to careful algorithm design to ensure convergence and accuracy while considering the distributed nature of the computation. Handling updates to coefficients and convergence criteria across multiple reducers. Speed of algorithms can be useful in different real-world applications especially in on line detecting of malicious attacks and hence, cybersecurity represents a most important field were the proposed work can be applied. The results obtained from this work showed that an improvement was achieved in processing time of huge amount of data, and hence applications with on line processing such as detecting malicious attacks in cybercrimes will use such approach. Generation synthetic big dataset with size ten million record, Initialization multi linear regression using gradient descent algorithm to work with Hadoop environment, and using multi reducers Hadoop map reduce job to decrease execution time and get low error are the main outcomes of this work. Keywords: Big Data, Hadoop Streaming, MapReduce, Linear Regression.

    2024 CDI2024
    Cyber security and Cloud platforms are utilized in various usage and applications in today’s world. Given the wide range of applications, and the ease of usage they provide, the popularity of them are increasing dramatically. Leading many individuals and organizations to depend on them mainly. Securing data, hardware, networks and other resources from cyber-attacks represent a crucial factor for these organizations. The work in this paper proposes an approach of multiple stages to detect and predict the cyber -attacks types aiming to enforce higher security procedures to secure the organization resources in general and data in specific. The approach first stage is the data collection where Meraz dataset available on the internet is used, and then different levels of preprocessing were conducted. The third stage is to apply different classification algorithms to group the attacks into malicious or not. Then after, the data related to the classifier that yield optimum classification results is selected for next level of knowledge extraction where hierarchical clustering was applied. The clustering is built on the malware samples of test dataset only. This dataset is divided into training and testing samples. A 10% of the dataset was used to predict the malware type. Hierarchical clustering was used with various configurations. The reason for using clustering is to predict the attack type by assigning each attack for distinct cluster. The proposed approach gave 98.88% of accuracy with Random Forest classifier and a reliable results for clustering were using Hierarchical clustering by using Euclidean distance metric, and ward linkage, The prediction values were as follows{0: 10671, 1: 3603, 2: 824}.The results obtained gave a novel approach for developing Machine Learning solution for cloud systems security. With this novel solution, the limitations of the traditional solutions are solved. Keywords: Cyber Security, Cloud System, Cyber Attacks, Machine Learning, Classification, Clustering

    2015 International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

    2015 Journal of Kufa for mathematics and computer

    Solving transportation problems where products to be supplied from one side (sources) to another (demands) with a goal to minimize the overall transportation cost represents an activity of great importance. Most of the works done in the field deals with the problem as two-sided model (Sources such as factories and Demands such as warehouses) with no connections between sources or demands. However, real world transportation problems may come in another model where sources are connected in a network like graph in which each source may supply other sources in a specific cost. The work in this paper suggests an algorithm and a graph model with mathematical solution for finding the minimum feasible solution for such widely used transportation problems. In this work, the graph representing the problem in which all sources are connected together in a network model with specific cost on each edge is converted into a new graph where additional virtual sources representing supplies between sources are added to the graph, new costs between the added sources and the demands are also calculated, and then modified Kruskal’ s algorithm is applied to get the minimum feasible solution. The proposed solution is a straight forward model with strong mathematical and graph models. It can be widely used for solving real world transportation problems with feasible time and space complexity where time complexity of O (E2+ V2) is required, where E represents the number of edges and V represents the number of vertices. Different numerical examples were used to study the effectiveness and correctness of the proposed algorithm.

    2017 International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security

    2020 International Journal of Advanced Trend in Computer Science and Engineering


    Data science and analytics represent one of the most emerging fields nowadays. Collecting, storing and analyzing the data are challenging issues in the field since they require the most advanced techniques and technologies. Data Warehouse and Data Marts represent some solutions for collecting, storing and accessing the data. Good Warehouse design leads to better analysis results.
    Among different application fields of the data, crime data is an important and complex discipline that contains a number of complex relationships between its contents, a wide range of applications and its crucial importance. The aim of the work in this paper is building an optimal Data warehouse for crime dataset using real crime data collected from the internet. Among the different DW modules available in this field galaxy module is used in this work. The data warehouse will support the decision-making process for lawmaker and police departments by understanding crime subjects, and statistics that allow them to track actions, foretell the probability of occurring crimes and efficiently use supplies which are inverted in this paper. The proposed design of the DW shows more reliability, better storing and accessing capabilities and lower anomalies among the other designs. The proposed design was supported with a crime database design to remove heterogonous of the data and to apply some preprocessing issues from which they require data is extracted, transformed and loaded (ETL) into the warehouse

    2019 REVISTA AUS 26-2

    International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Technology (IJACST)

    2017 International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Technology (IJACST)

    2017 International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Technology (IJACST)

    2017 International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Technology (IJACST)

    2016 First International Scientific Conference, College for Humanities and Scientific Studdies

    2015 International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) ISSN (Online): 2319-7064

    2014 Journal of Kufa for Mathematics and Computer

    2013 Journal of College of Education for Pure Sciences

    2012 CITEL2012, University of Kufa

    2009 Iraqi Scientific Conference for Applied Sciences, Kufa University, Iraq, March 2009

    2008 Iraqi National Conference for Higher Education, Iraq, 2008

    2008 Iraqi Scientific Conference in Applied Sciences, Kufa University, Iraq, 2008

    2016 مؤتمر ترصين التعليم العالي، وزارةالتعليم العالي والبحث العلمي كانون الثاني 20-21 2016

    2014 المؤتمر العلمي الاول للامانة العامة لمجلس الوزراء، 2014 بغداد-العراق

    2012 مؤتمر ضمان الجودة الثالث، جامعة الكوفة، اذار 2012.

    2011 مؤتمر تطوير مناهج الحاسوب، جامعة القادسية 12-13/1/2011

    2010 المؤتمر السنوي الثاني لضمان الجودة"،جامعة الكوفة، 26-28/12/2010

    2010 المؤتمر السنوي الثاني لضمان الجودة"،جامعة الكوفة، 26-28/12/2010

    2023 ICITAMS 2023

    2022 Journal of Kufa for Mathematics and Computer

    2022 Journal of Kufa for Mathematics and Computer


    1999 1999، دار المناهج، الاردن