Department of Information Technology

قسم تكنولوجيا المعلومات

Department of Information Technology

  • 8
  • 168
  • 3
  • 7
  • 56.5
    معدل الحدود الدنيا للقبول صباحي
  • 2000000
    القسط السنوي صباحي
  • 54.5
    معدل الحدود الدنيا للقبول مسائي
  • 2000000
    القسط السنوي مسائي
  • علمي - احيائي - تطبيقي - الحاسوب وتقنية المعلومات (الادارة الالكترونية -شبكات الحاسوب -اجهزة الهاتف والحاسوب المحمول وتجميع وصيانة الحاسوب)
    مدخلات القبول
  • Information Technology (IT):

    is the study, design, development, implementation, support or management of computer-based information systems, particularly computer hardware and applications. Information technology is concerned with the use of computers and software applications to convert, store, protect, process, transmit, and securely retrieve information.

    As for the Information Technology Department, it is responsible for managing and implementing information technology in any organization. It is responsible for managing the computer network, managing servers, e-mail services, protecting the organization from cyber-attacks, in addition to managing information systems, cloud services, and artificial intelligence applications.

    The information technology major is a global specialty, and the need for it in the global labor markets is very great, and this need increased after the Corona pandemic, since all institutions were forced to close their headquarters and employees became working from their homes, and this transformation forced institutions and companies to adopt information systems in managing their work.

    We in the Department of Information Technology, in cooperation and coordination with the Deanship of the College, have done everything we can to take into account all that has been previously mentioned by preparing curricula that enable the graduate to compete for a job in the local and global market.

    The curricula are based on modern international curricula developed by the IEEE Foundation, in addition to experts from manufacturers of information and network technologies. The Department of Information Technology, in cooperation with the Deanship of the College, aspires to establish cooperation mechanisms with local and international companies to provide job opportunities and training for its students before their graduation, as well as obtaining their modern educational curricula that support the practical side.

    The department also seeks to provide a good and comfortable learning environment for students in terms of classrooms and educational laboratories.

    We also attach importance to all activities (sports, exhibitions, seminars and scientific courses) that make university life better.


Vision, mission and goals
  • Vision:

    The Dept. aspires to be a scientific edifice that promotes higher education and scientific research by using up-to-date technologies of higher education programs. It develops these programs in the light of international standards and disseminates IT culture to serve the community and furnish the State with highly qualified scientific cadre along with acquiring knowledge and usage of the most advanced scientific technologies.


    1. To prepare qualified IT human resources with all different specialties to meet the requirements of the labor market.
    2. To find proper solutions for the communal problems and cope with development in various fields.
    3. To implement scientifically theoretical and applied researches that help serve and develop the community and contribute to constructing the cognitive community.


    1. To let students, acquire a solid scientific base enhanced with training and scientific expertise.
    2. To continuously develop and improve pedagogical and research scientific quality according to regional and international standards.
    3. To cultivate the students’ character and discover their higher tendencies and talents through scientific, cultural and mathematical activities.
    4. To introduce students to professional ethics which in turn help them face the general challenges and real-life vocational activities.
    5. To prepare students for the diverse IT leading and administrative missions through good guidance and active participation.
    6. To recruit an efficient cadre with self- taught and collective-working potentialities that serve the society.
    7. To provide the labor market with outputs with skills in designing software, applied systems and communications and with high potentials to handle and solve IT problems.
    8. To enable students, pursue their scientific interests through their participation in various scientific activities and specialized seminars and through establishing scientific channels with other universities and institutes to serve the community. This is done by making studies and continuous training programs and IT services that meet and promote the social requirements which are compatible with the labor market.
    9. To update the safe programs and systems and develop methods of data protection against misuse, theft and network hacking.
    10. To guide support towards genuinely applied scientific research in accordance with IT national priorities and focus on inventiveness, originality and leadership.
Graduate Description

    • To graduate a technically programmed outputs with scientific and practical potentials in programing office, electronic services, E-sites, smart phones Apps that are contacted to solid data base and maintain data confidentiality.
    • To prepare efficient programmers who own potentials that cope with fast IT and communications development and let them acquire the needed expertise to update the computer and mobile phone Apps.
    • To prepare students with skills required in the labor market who are ready to lead IT and communications changes in the whole country.
    • To furnish students with work skills as programmers, data base managers, system analysts, project managers, specialists in IT security and risks and network management and security.




Faculty Department of Information Technology

Faculty Department of Information Technology

Jane Jaleel Stephan


Ph.D in Computer Science-Image Processing and Artifical Intelliegent

Muhand A.Mutaab


MSc. computer science

Mustafa Faisal


Shajan Mohammad Mahdi


MSC in Software Engineering

Dr. hayder fadhil abbass


PHD in Computer Science

Mohammed Kareem Abed


MSC in Informiton Technology

Taha Yousif Mohammed


applied and numerical mathematics

Ayat Mohmmed Nasser


computer science

Younus Abdul Kareem Mohammed


Master of Information Technology