Department of Architecture

قسم هندسة العمارة

Department of Architecture

  • 14
  • 178
  • 37
  • 69.5
    معدل الحدود الدنيا للقبول صباحي
  • 3,750,000
    القسط السنوي صباحي
  • 64.5
    معدل الحدود الدنيا للقبول مسائي
  • 3,750,000
    القسط السنوي مسائي
  • تطبيقي + علمي
    مدخلات القبول
  • Department of Architecture - Al-Esraa University College


    Based on the letter of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific

    Research/Department of Private University Education No. AH/AQ 3466 on

    9/22/2016, His Excellency the Minister approved the creation of the Department of

    Architecture in our college for the 2016/2017 academic year.

    ● Creation year : 2016-2017

    ● Number of stages: five

    ● Duration of study: five years

    ● Academic system of study: Semester system (1st semester (autumn) and the 2nd

    Semester (spring))

    Qualifications of the applicant:

    The Department of Architecture accepts students who have graduated from the

    Preparatory secondary school/ scientific branch. Students who have been graduated

    in previous years, are eligible to enroll in the department if their grades satisfy the

    university requirements.

    Department system:

    The academic system of study in the Department of Architecture consists of two

    semesters (1st semester (Autumn) and the 2nd semester (spring)). Students who

    have obtained a preparatory degree/ scientific branch from the secondary school for

    this year will be enrolled in the department in the morning study. Graduated

    students from previous years and if their grades comply with the university

    requirements, will be enrolled in the evening study and are hosted with the students

    in the morning study.

Vision, mission and goals
  • Vision:

    The vision of the department is to teach the students materials that will enable him

    to combine the heritage of the past with the techniques and materials of the

    construction of today taken into consideration the social local habits to create an

    urban environment.

    The department objectives

    The department aims to crystallize the foundations of an Iraqi architectural school

    That qualifies the architect intellectually and technically to understand societal

    Behavior and extrapolate its requirements in the field of architecture to find

    Solutions that lead to the creation of a contemporary human and civilized

    Environment related to the history of Iraq and the civilizations that have arisen in it

    Through the ages, including:

    The department works to raise the scientific level of graduates in the fields of

    Building and construction and keep pace with scientific development, in

    Addition to providing opportunities to acquire or learn solid engineering

    Professions in the field of architecture for the largest number of young

    Generations looking to complete university studies.

    Emphasis on professional practice and to comply with international and local

    regulations related to the construction of buildings.

    Scientific cooperation with the departments of architecture in Iraqi

    universities and Arab and international universities to improve and develop

    educational programs.

    Enhance cooperation with the institutions of building sectors, whether

    through seminars and courses to raise the level of students and contribute to

    raising the level of architects and technicians to keep pace with the growing

    and changing work requirements.

    Encouraging students to work on projects and sites that are required to be

    implemented and developed, as part of the study projects they submit during

    their studies or as part of graduation projects to facilitate their integration

    into the actual work in construction.

Graduate Description
  • Fields of work after graduation:

    The department program seeks to encourage students before and after graduation

    to participate and actively contribute to the design and development of urban and

    service projects, which will be reflected on the level of the graduated students

Faculty Department of Architecture

Faculty Department of Architecture

Ibtisam Abdulelah Mohammed Al Khafaji

Head of the Department

PH. Degree in- Architecture - spatial planning

Maha Haki Ismael


Master of Architecture

A.M.D. Riyad Jawad Al-Moussawi


PhD in Civil Engineering

Mr. Dr. Hadi Mashhadi Ajeel


Doctorate in Fine Arts

.D. Samer Philip Yacoub


PhD in structural engineering

Baneen Abdulkareem Hussein


PhD in Architecture/Urban Design

Dr.. Muhammad Abdul Rahman Muhammad Al-Badri


PhD in Architecture/Urban Design

M. Ghassan Jassim Mohammed


Master of Architectural Engineering

Alaa Ahmed Rashid


phd. studentUniversity of Technology, Iraq Department

Zainab Hashem Malik


Master of Architecture

Abdul Aali Hamza Muhammad


Master of Architecture

Israa Hashim Karam ali


Master of Architecture Engineering - Architectural Engineering Sciences

Prof. Wissam William Al-Ayoubi


PhD in Architectural Engineering

millimeter. Sabah Gamal Abdel Amir


Master's degree in interior design

Zahra Samir Moussa


Master of Architecture

Israa Jabir Theeban


Master of Architecture - Islamic Architecture

Samer qais ibraheem


Master of Architecture

Anne Samari Ibrahim


Master of Architecture

Hala Abdel-Jabbar is a blessing

Teaching Assistant

Bachelor of Architecture

Simon Matta Abbo

Teaching Assistant

Architectural Engineering

Ahmed Kazem Alwan

Teaching Assistant

Bachelor of Architecture

News of Sadiq Abdul Muttalib

Teaching Assistant

Bachelor of Architecture

Raghad Munther Hamdi

Teaching Assistant

Bachelor of Science in Accounting

Ahmed Shaker Mahmoud

Teaching Assistant

Bachelor of Science in Physics

Basma Emad Abdel Hamid

Teaching Assistant

Bachelor of Architectural Engineering

marwa jabbar hamza

Teaching Assistant

Bachelor of Architectural Engineering

fatima abdulla shuhaib

Teaching Assistant

Bachelor of Architectural Engineering

zayneb haider mohammed ali

Teaching Assistant

Bachelor of Architectural Engineering

Manar Nazeh sameer

Teaching Assistant

Architectural Engineering

Dania Luay Abdulredha

Teaching Assistant

Architectural Engineering

Amenah Abdulla Sadoon


Architectural Engineering

Abdulameer Taher Mohammed


urban planning