• د. رسل محمد شهاب
  • Dr.Russul Mohammed Shehab
  • تدريسي : قسم تقنيات الاشعه
  • Teaching : department of Radiology Techniques
  • دكتوراه تقنيات ليزر وكهروبصريات
  • PhD in laser and electro-optics technologies
  • Russul.Mohammed@esraa.edu.iq
  • russul.mohammed@gmail.com
  • News

    ((تقنيات الاشعة والسونار ))
    تقنيات الاشعة والسونار
    د. رسل محمد شهاب

    تقنيات الاشعة والسونار

    زيارة علمية- ثقافية- ميدانيه


    Syllabuses - 1
    Dep. Step. Sem. code No. Des. Syllabuses
    department of Radiology Techniques one full MTE2100 4 مصطلحات طبية


    Lectures - 17
    Sem SYLLABUSES Dep. st. Lectures
    2021-2022 أسس تمريض department of Radiology Techniques one lecture 7-نظري
    2021-2022 أسس تمريض department of Radiology Techniques one lecture 6-نظري
    2021-2022 أسس تمريض department of Radiology Techniques one lecture 5-نظري
    2021-2022 أسس تمريض department of Radiology Techniques one lecture 6-عملي
    2021-2022 أسس تمريض department of Radiology Techniques one lecture5-عملي
    2021-2022 أسس تمريض department of Radiology Techniques one lecture 4-عملي
    2021-2022 أسس تمريض department of Radiology Techniques one lecture 3-عملي
    2021-2022 أسس تمريض department of Radiology Techniques one lecture2-عملي
    2021-2022 أسس تمريض department of Radiology Techniques one lecture1-عملي
    2021-2022 أسس تمريض department of Radiology Techniques one lecture 4-نظري
    2021-2022 أسس تمريض department of Radiology Techniques one lecture 3-نظري
    2021-2022 أسس تمريض department of Radiology Techniques one lecture 2-نظري
    2021-2022 أسس تمريض department of Radiology Techniques one lecture 1-نظري
    2021-2022 مصطلحات طبية department of Radiology Techniques one Medical Terminology
    2021-2022 مصطلحات طبية department of Radiology Techniques one Medical Terminology
    2021-2022 مصطلحات طبية department of Radiology Techniques one Medical Terminology
    2021-2022 مصطلحات طبية department of Radiology Techniques one Medical Terminology


    title "Modified laser-etched silicon covered with bimetallic Ag–Au Alloy nanoparticles for high-performance SERS: laser wavelength dependence.",
    date 2020
    mag. Springer, Indian Journal of Physics (2020): 1-9.
    title Optimizing plasmonic characteristics of Ag-AuNPs/Nanohillocks Si Heterostructures for efficient SERS performance
    date 2020
    mag. International Journal of Nanoelectronics and Materials (IJNeaM) (2020)
    title Optimization of an ultra-sensitive-Au core-shell nanoparticle/Si Surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) sensor
    date 2020
    mag. AIP Conference Proceedings 2307, 020005 (2020)
    title Preparation and Characterization of Nano Porous Silicon for Chemical Detection Applications
    date 2015
    mag. Engineering and Technology Journal 33 (2 Part (B) Scientific)
    title Characterization of (Nanostructures Silver/Silicon Nano Porous) Active Substrates for Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) as a Function to Porous Silicon Parameters
    date 2015
    mag. Engineering and Technology Journal 33.3 Part (B) Scientific (2015): 556-563
    title The Performance of Plasmonic Gold and Silver Nanoparticle-Based SERS Sensors
    date 2020
    mag. Iraqi Journal of Science (2020): 1320-1327