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Assist. Lect. Alaa Atallah Sobh Al-Qaisi - م.م. علاء عطاالله صبح القيسي
Assist. Lect. Yasser Alaa Black - م. م. ياسرعلاء اسود

تعد دراسة الشخصيات من المواضيع المهمة، ويقاس مدى تطور الدول وتقدمها بما
يحمله رئيس الدولة من قيم وفلسفة حكم وبعد نظر لقضايا بلده، من هذا المنطلق تم اختيار
موضوع هذا البحث الموسوم ب )جيمي كارتر سيرته وفلسفته في الحكم( والذي من خلاله
سوف نتعرف على شخصية الرئيس الامريكي التاسع والثلاثون جيمي كارتر، ذلك الشاب
الطموح الذي نشأ وترعرع في وسط حقول الفول السوداني التي يملكها والده، إذ كان لتلك
البيئة الريفية التي تربى بها جيمي الأثر الكبير في صقل شخصيته الإنسانية والسياسية.

The study of personalities is one of the important topics, and the extent of
the development and progress of states is measured by the values and philosophy
of governance that the head of state holds and farsightedness for the issues of his
country. From this standpoint, the subject of this research was chosen, marked
with (Jimmy Carter, his biography and philosophy of governance), through which
we will get to know the personality The thirty-ninth US President Jimmy Carter, that
ambitious young man who grew up in the middle of the peanut fields owned by his
father, as the rural environment in which Jimmy was raised had a great impact on
refining his human and political personality.
The research was divided into four topics, the first topic dealt with the rise
of Jimmy Carter and his entry into the US Navy, the second topic discussed the
emergence of Jimmy Carter on the American political scene, and the third topic
devoted Carter as a candidate for the presidency of the United States of America,
while the fourth topic explained his philosophy of governance.

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