A scientific symposium entitled (Investing in the future and preparing for your next job)

A scientific symposium entitled (Investing in the future and preparing for your next job)

  • 98
The issuance of an author entitled (The contribution of international law to the sharing of international rivers) by Dr. Yahya Hassan Jadea

The issuance of an author entitled (The contribution of international law to the sharing of international rivers) by Dr. Yahya Hassan Jadea

  • 104
A symposium entitled the basics of huge data

A symposium entitled the basics of huge data

  • 105
A Memorandum of Understanding between the Department of Cyber ​​Security Engineering / Al -Esraa University with the College of Information Engineering / Al -Nahrain University

A Memorandum of Understanding between the Department of Cyber ​​Security Engineering / Al -Esraa University with the College of Information Engineering / Al -Nahrain University

  • 111
A workshop at Al -Esraa University on artificial intelligence applications in Ammar

A workshop at Al -Esraa University on artificial intelligence applications in Ammar

  • 129
Scientific research entitled (Enhanced PV Network Controller for Optimizing Performance of LFC Power Systems)

Scientific research entitled (Enhanced PV Network Controller for Optimizing Performance of LFC Power Systems)

  • 129
The medical clinics at Esraa University

The medical clinics at Esraa University

  • 112
(Scientific Lecture Titled: (Jellyfish: A Brainless Creature That Puzzles Scientists

(Scientific Lecture Titled: (Jellyfish: A Brainless Creature That Puzzles Scientists

  • 115
Voluntary awareness campaign to combat drugs

Voluntary awareness campaign to combat drugs

  • 64
Dentistry clinics

Dentistry clinics

  • 124